Utk membuat photo ato video biar stabil dan supaya handphone anda tdk basah dari keringat tangan. Anda memerlukan handphone holder seperti ini. Holder ini memiliki lubang mur supaya orang bisamenambahkan lampu dan shoot di posisi yg berbeda.
Nowadays digital tape like minidv is getting less and lesser use. We are now in tapeless era where most people have handphones with recording abilities. The last I used tapeless camera was with Panasonic full hd camera for a wedding as an insert shot cameraman. That was around like 8-9 years ago. I haven't been around doing editing and shooting after that because I 've found more stable jobs doing selling drinks since then. So I don't know what to write anymore. During those time was just helping as an assistant cameraman and jobs as editor were getting more scarce and so did the job as a cameraman. All My three cameras had broken down during those time so I decided not to get it fixed because it would not be worth the time and money. On my business consideration I wouln't be able to make good money, may be just a litte money for a part time job but for not a good long business investment. So I decided to take on other kinds of small business like selling drinks using three wheelers motorcycle. Four years ago I decided to become a motorcycle taxi driver too for my morning and afternoon job activities. So it was hectic and time consuming and tiring but it was worth the time and money. So now I play around only with my handphone with its camera. May be I will find something valuable to be recorded and something to share to my viewers. Of course if there is still any viewers out there.
Creating "mood" is necessary for your videos to appear stylish. If you watch ollywood films and commercials all of them correct the color to achieve the right mood for the scene.. One of the easiest way you can create this mood is using a plug-in program called "Magic Bullet looks" from Red Giants. Magic Bullet will does it for you to create many kinds of mood for your videos by changing the color easily. If you are doing wedding videos, this tool is a must have. Photographer uses photoshop to change the color tone and mood, video producer uses "Magic Bullet" to do the same job easier. Here are some of the looks in the Magic bullet:
Bahasa Indonesia: Menciptakan "mood" sangat penting untuk video anda supaya nampak bergaya. Jika anda menonton Hollywood dan iklan-iklan semuanya mengkoreksi warna untuk menciptakan "mood" untuk scene video mereka. Salah satu cara untuk menciptakan mood yang anda inginkan anda bisa menggunakan program yang bernama "Magic Bullet looks" dari perusahaan Red Giants. Magic Bullet akan melakukan koreksi warna dengan mudah untuk video anda. Jika anda mengerjakan dokumentasi pernikahan, alat ini wajib anda punyai. Seorang photograper biasanya menggunakan photoshop untuk mengubah tone dan mood, anda sebagai producer filem menggunakan "Magic Bullet looks" untuk mengerjakan yang sama. Ini contoh-contoh warna untuk menciptak mood di dalam Magic Bullet looks.
Video titling is as important as the video scene that you shoot specially when it comes to the editing process of your video. You can do about anything with video-titling like making the title for the events, making title to become lower thirds, your own video production titling, intro poetry for wedding intro or perhaps bible or Qur'an versus for the wedding video intro. But now the question, is it difficult to make titling for your video?. The answer depends on how you want the titling to be and how fast you want to make it or perhaps how do you want the titling to look.
My suggestion is to be realistic as there is always deadline( -two weeks deadline usually here in my country) .In my case, in my country, usually a wedding has three sub-events {before the wedding(cultural ceremony); The wedding service (at church; or at mosque) and the wedding reception. For these three sub-events of course you will have at least three titling, not to mention if you want to add certain romantic poetic phrase or perhaps quotation from the Bible or the Qur'an. To make wedding titling quickly so as not much time I would suggest to use instant video titling where there is already motion template already. One that I would recommend very much is "Power director " from cyberlink. Power director is a video editing software but it has very excellent template for video titling. You can manipulate the "in(when titling enters)" and "out(whe titling dissappear or ends) for the titling feature and you can also use the combination from different title template. you can also manipulate the color of the text, the line on the letter, give gradient color to the text and give perspective by giving shadow or depth. The good thing about this titling you can export it in ".Avi" and ".mpeg "format so you can use it in any video editing platform. The sample video that I post on my blog recently uses "Power Director" to make the titling and then I export the titling to Magix video pro editing platform.
Ulead video editing software also has some nice instant video titling but the feature is limited when it comes to manipulating the animation of the titling. Most video editing software has titling capability but usually is very limited when it comes to manipulating its animation and its feature.
If manipulating animation and the looks is your main concern then you have to use more sophisticated tool such as Adobe after effect , 3dmax, Maya, Cinema4d, etc... or perhaps combination of them. Of course using more "manipulatable" software will cost you time when sophisticated titling is what you are after. It can take hours or may be days just to make short video titling. If you have plenty of time then you should use and explore the sophisticated software mentioned.
Now the choice is yours. Is it Deadline or Sophisticated looks you are after?
Here's an excellent example of titling using Adobe After Effect by "Calme4be"
And From the Adobe After Effect Guru, Andrew Kramer. http://www.videocopilot.net/.
Click the link I gave if you want to learn video titling for free from him.
Indonesian Translation
Pemberian judul juga sama penting dengan gambar scene video yang anda ambil terkhusus kalau sudah masuk proses editing. Anda bisa melakukan apapun, dari pemberian judul untuk judul acara, lower thirds (judul yang ditaruh agak kebawah) , nama video produksi anda, sampai menuliskan puisi untuk pernikahan atau mungkin ayat-ayat Alkitab atau Alqur'an pada intro wedding. Tetapi pertayaannya sekarang, apakah sulit untuk memberi judul untuk video anda? Jawabannya tergantung pada bagaimana anda ingin judul itu berwujud dan berapa cepat anda ingin membuatnya, atau mungkin tampakya seperti apa judul yang anda inginkan.Saran saya, anda harus realistis karena selalu ada deadline(-biasanya deadline dua minggu untuk acara pernikahan dinegara saya). Di negara saya biasanya ada tiga macam acara: acara sebelum pernikahan seperti acara adat, kemudian acara di gereja atau di masjid dan terakhir acara resepsi. Untuk tiga acara ini saja anda membutuhkan tiga macam penjudulan sekurang-kurangnya. Belum lagi kalau anda ingin menambahkan puisi yang romantis atau ayat-ayat Alkitab atau Alqur'an. Supaya anda tidak berlama-lama membuatnya anda bisa menggunakan " Power Director " dari Cyberlink. Power Director adalah software untuk video editing tetapi bagus sekali pada sistem pembuatan titlingnya. Anda bisa mengatur masuknya dan keluarnya judul. Anda juga bisa membuat kombinasi dari berbagai template yang sudah ada. Anda bisa mengubah warna text menjadi bergradasi dan bisa memberikan bayangan atau kedalaman. Anda jug bisa mengexpor bentuk file dengan extensi "avi" atau "mpeg2" sehingga anda bisa menggunakannya kedalam software plat-form video editing yang lain. Video sample yang saya pasang di blog ini pada artikle sebelumnya menggunakan power director untuk titling dan saya mengimpornya kedalam Magix Video Pro. Software video editing dari Ulead juga memiliki video titling yang instan tetapi fiturnya terbatas sekali jika anda ingin mengatur animasinya. Kebanyakan software untuk video editing memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat judul tetapi memiliki keterbatasan dalam pengaturan animasi dan fitur fitur yang lainnyaJika anda menginginkan pengaturan untuk animasi dan tampilan maka anda harus menggunakan alat software yang lebih rumit seperti Adobe After Effect, 3dMax, Maya, Cinema4d, dll, atau mungkin gabungan dari beberapa dari yang sudah saya sebut. Tentunya menggunakan software dengan fitur yang lebih banyak bisa diatur menelan waktu yang lebih lama. Bahkan untuk membuat judul yang pendek saja bisa menyita berjam-jam atau bahkan berhari-hari. Jika anda memiliki banyak waktu, anda sebaiknya berexplorasi dengan software yang saya sebut. Sekarang pilihan tergantung anda sendiri. Apakah deadline atau tampilan yang rumit yang anda cari? Lihat contoh yang baik sekali penjudulan diatas dengan menggunakan adobe after effect oleh "Callme4b" dan seorang lagi guru yang jago dalam video titling: Andrew Kramer. Klik link yang saya berikan jika anda ingin belajar membuat titling dari dia secara gratis. http://www.videocopilot.net/